Monday, February 20, 2006

time, space and blogs

I had a great chirstmas, but I can't remember it.
My January was... I can't remember.
I turn 20 next week.
Where did the last two months of my life go?

I stop to think of all the shit I've been thorugh since the last time I blogged and it is all a jumble of memories that may or may not have actaully happened. What I mor worried about thugh is that stuff I don't remember.
Am I dazed and confused and lost without my computer, the internet and my beloved blog? No.
But I do miss it.
Soon dear friend. March 6th I will have a new post for you. It will be a new start, with a fresh mind. Till then, till then.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Good bye 2005, I've grown a lot thanks

Now I don't want to get into a retrospective or anything its just that I don't think I will get a chance to write another blog before 2006, so here it is.
I have learned to be a little more thankful.
I have learned to act more my age.
I have learned that I can quit smoking.
I have leanred that your friends are ever changing, except the ones that matter, so never forget them, they're the most important.
I have learned that 'relationships' are weird.
I have learned that you should accpet people wiht their shortcomings, because they accpet you for yours.
I have learned that even thought things don't work out in my favor, its all for the best.

I have learned that if I don't believe in that last one, I am doomed.

Just for the record I am apologizing for calling out my boy RS. He didn't deserve it, but I am a bitch so get over it. I try and keep that shit to a minimum. sorry, sorry, sorry.

I hope you all are ready for will to bring the pain in 2006. its going to be crazy.
[stupid car company had to go and steal a prefectly good closing line, oh well]
Expect the unexpected

Sunday, December 04, 2005

For most people it was a defining day in their lives; for me it was Saturday

In the past week, I have lost my job, my passion for school, and my boyfriend.
7 days. In a week my whole world has quite literally come crashing down around me.
But I am at Weldon blogging about it. I should be in bed, crying or watching Pretty Woman with a tub of vanilla ice cream. But I am at Weldon, blogging. Is there something wrong with me? or am I really broken on the inside, writing this blog to tell the world 'can't nobody hold me down' to keep up appearecnes.
I guess the post modernity of the whole thing is gross or at least I think it is. However as I've said before, I don't really give a fuck. This is cathathic for me. I can get all my thouhgts down and move on. And why the eff not?
I feel deflated. I put my everything into last nite. I gelled my hair. I never gel my hair. I looked good. But apparently not good enough. If anything good came out of last nite it was a lesson in taking a hint. Lord have mercy the child was dropping hints as big as a house yesterday, and yet I stood there waiting for him to see me. He look right through me. Even my signature brand of in your face 'please love me' techniques were too weak for the will of mind and determination he had. totally deflated, I walked home by myself.
Its an ego thing, I realize this. Its also a complex issue that I wish i didnt have to deal with. Its about self worth and stability of mind. Its about acceptance of myself, of others. Its about everything and nothing.
I would rather have this be a blueprint for the future than it be a detailed analysis of what went wrong. Its goes back to stability of mind. hind sight is 20/20 is such a cop out. I look back and I wouldn't have done anything differently. thats how i roll, absolutely no fucking regrets.
I am going to start researching this essay, I am going to write it. I am going to study for my exams, I am going to write them, go home, have a fabulous christmas with the people who love me and come back to this fucing black hole in january ready and raring to ride this mighty mustang through to the end.
Out of the ashes the phenox raises, right? or something retarded like that.
7 weeks, RS, ain't nothing to shake a stick at. Thank you for everything, and I wish you nothing but success and happiness in whatever you do. Is this a definative end? hells no, I can't predict the future. You just screwed yourself out of a great xmas/bday present thats all. Maybe next year.
I feel better.

Monday, November 28, 2005

"You're Fired" the Chump says to Harris

Today, I got fired. FIRED!! From that shitty fucking job! They Fucking Fired me!! I can't say "I can't fucking believe it", but fucking still. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. Thank God I have money saved. Anybody who reads my blog (which I'm fairly convinced is just me) please don't shop at Loblaws anymore... if you have to thats cool, but try and avoid the one at Masonville... I usually tell people anything u can get at Loblaws you can get at the dollar store.
Shortest blog ever...
I can't wait to get trashed. In celebration. Fuck.

Friday, November 25, 2005

I'm turning into a cliche... and you can't stop me!

Oh what a night I had last nite. Worked until 10, took the bus to Spence's (who I haven't chilled with in a while) pounded a few beers and then hit up GT's. $2 drinks got me more drunk, there was a live band, bucky and eric and some girls from saugeen. It was good fucking times. Today however as sit in this cubile trying to finish this stupid earth science term paper, my head hurts, my stomach feels crappy and I can't concentrat for shit. Thats why I'm blogging. The paper is pretty much done I just have to reference everything an print it. I have ... like a little over an hour before it's due. Lord.
And my lung hurts. I think I slept weird, because my back hurts too. Isn't this an interesting blog?
Fucking, the whole point about this was, I said to myself, I shouldn't have gone out last nite. But following on its coat tails was the thought, why the fuck not? you had a good time right? i had a great time. So then fuck it, thats all that matters. Today I can see how that mentalty can get you in trouble, but i'm gonna get the paper done. it really wouldn't have been any better if I had been sober right now trying to get it done. So fuck it. I can't wait till the next time I go out. I'm turning into a typical university student. Who does that? But in my fashion I am going to be proud of my faults, even as big a one as this... Go drinking!
Humpf. I gotta finish this paper. Back to reality.

Friday, November 18, 2005

DFA1979, Queens of the Stone Age & Nine Inch Nails - Live @ ACC in Toronto Nov 10, 2005

Death from Above 1979

Queens of the Stone Age

The Awesome and Powerful
Trent Reznor

NIN opening

Fucking 5 stars *****

And sometimes, things go right

Stupid Jack's - Jack's One Year Aniversery

So yesterday I had one of the best days ever. Everything just went, right. I had a presentation and it went ok. Not great but better than expected. And after the class, I was very keen to get fuct. I wanted to get super high and super smashed. And so I called up my buddy Mike to see what he was doing and told me about it was Jack's One year anniversery. Jack's. *shudder*I hate Jack's. Why do I hate Jack's? Well I realize that I pick on Jack's for petty things, but you know me, I'm like that.
The place is just like a big hole. Its not a dive, becuase people dont go to dive, but people go to Jacks. A lot of people go to Jacks, all the time. The place has always got a huge line. And then once you get inside, its it just jammed, and not the fun kind of jammed, the if your not pushing you get taken away by the crowd. The dance floor is little box you have to push to get on to and push to get off of. The bar is far to busy for the number of bartenders that they have working. They play the same pop/rock/hip-hop/top40/ crap! that you would expect from any college bar. And its named after Jack Daneils. Its like they didn't even try and make it any kind of unique. And think that my biggest problem with it, the genericness of it all.
I went there a few times last yearand was not very impressed at all, so much so that I said that I was going to boycott it. There are a million other bars in London. However I when I was here in the summer my buddy coned me into going, $1.50 beers, I figured what do I gotta lose. Well the night was that bad, but I got beer spilled on me. My beer spilled on me. I lost my friends, took forever to find them, and we had just come out of a rock show, so it just didn't fit in with the night. And I said Fuck it. I'm never going back there. And I had kept my promise, until last night.
So, Mike says to me, he says, 'Theres a bus coming to my house. $5 skip the line, come man.' Fuck, i thought to myself, I think I'm gonna go. But as I scrambled to see if I could find some booze to predrink I remember, me and Rob were supposed together tonite. So I called him and was like change of plans. And he was cool with it.
I showed up at Mike's place at like 8:30 and as I turned onto his street, I saw His Golf. His, being Mr. DTF. I don't think I've mentioned DTF on here before. I will try and explain who he is, without going into too much detail.
-Sept. 2004 I move into Rez, super apprehensive about who I was going to be living with, I have never had to share a room with anyone before. And I was pretty fresh out of the closet, so it was key that my roommate was somewhat liberal. In moved DTF. With his goodlooks and charm, it was almost too good to be true. And he was liberal. But as I found out later, not that liberal.
-Jan.2005 I moved out. It wasn't pretty, by any means. Lets leave it at that.
10 months later, we had not said a word to eachother, and I tried my best to avoid him, but it wasn't that hard. And here I am walking into the smallest space we've been in together since, SMH. I said fuck it though, I was here to get drunk, nothing else mattered. Low and behold the fucker is sitting at the bar. All that stood between me and the booze, was him. So I sent my minions to fetch me beer whenever my cup was empty. So it worked out.
Then Rob showed up. He was all over going out last night, so that worked out too. So I'm in a house with my bf, my ex-roommate and a whole bunch of people that I knew by face, but had no idea who they were. And then the bus came. We get the bar and its pretty damn empty. Jack's is ok when its empty, its almost a little more civilized. I lost Rob and his friends, because well, I was pretty drunk and then I see DTF coming my way. I don't even know what happened. What he said, what I said. I do remember, we shook 'to new beginnings'. Fucking DTF. I knew that kid was a much bigger person than I ever gave him credit for. I don't know how this whole thing will play out in the future, but if I was to never talk to him again, at least whatever happened is behind us.
The rest of the night was fairly standard. Got more hammered, dirty danced with girl inapropriately. Was going to go home last night, but the snow and cold, and Rob, convinved me to go home with him. All in all a good night.... Sometimes, things just go right. And I thank God orwhen whoever for nights like that. I will bitch and complain, but I will also be thankful.

Monday, November 14, 2005

fuck it! i'm going to blog!

hello to all my fans who may have thought that I died. But i didn't...(come on god whats the hold up?)
I joke, I joke. but really i'm dying. I have pretty much made Weldon my new home. And i fucking hate it. Its really the only way I can get any work done. At home I sit and stare, sometimes, if i'm lucky, most of the time its internet porn or TV. mmmmm TV. I love it. See even thinking about it makes me want to just shut everything down, roll into bed and veg. I got a taste of vegging this weekend and am now addicted....
Right this weekend...
Yeah so it was the show of the year bar none. Nine Inch Nails with Queens of the stone age and DFA1979 in support. I'm not gonna lie. I may be bulding the show up a bit because, well are u ready for this? I paid $120 for my ticket... If i minus the service charge its still $110. Long story short, I bought 2 tickets couldnt find anyone to sell it to, sold it to a scalper for 20$ and that equals $110 show. Most expensive by far, but I honestly cut my loses and in the end it was pretty much completely worth it. I was super drunk walking in, enjoyed the performance emencly and was blown away with the caliber of music that is industrial rock. I'm such a band wagon jumper. And i fucking love it.
Lets see work still sucks. I went to go see The Threws the other week, it was fucking great i love canadian rock. I am thinking about dropping out of school more and more everyday. I am going to get started on my bar plans next week. I need a cigarette. I have to finish this blog in 3 minutes....
I am still with BOYFRIEND. I LOVE HIM. Well love in that 12 year old kinda way. I miss him when i don't see him. I feel really inadiquate around him. I never get any approval for him and so I try extra hard... ppfffff HAHAHAHA. yeah right. i think about trying hard and then i just be a regualr lazy ass self.
times up... next post... PICTURES FROM THE SHOW... stay tuned....
p.s. lauren i love u